The Fitness Herald

Hidden Truths

 I think one of the most profound truths that we all need to ponder is what the truth is from a much higher perspective, when it comes to obesity and weight loss.


We have offered many different ways to approach obesity.


1. Research tells us that it is extremely dangerous, more dangerous than smoking and drinking combined! And it sets in motion an incredible number of other illnesses that are directly associated

with being overweight.


2. We all seem to know the inherent draw backs of being fat, how difficult it is to physically function, the “side effects” of obesity, shortness of breath, lack of flexibility and range of motion.


3. It doesn’t even look good,  it assaults our senses, it is extremely unattractive and repulsive, still we humans are not getting the message and overlook its glaring presence.


4. Non of these facts seem to get our attention enough to move this American society to where we have sufficient motivation to take the necessary action and no longer have this epidemic.


5. Oprah has put to rest the notion of “If Only”. If only I had more money, If only I were more  popular, if only people loved me. All of that has now been exposed as the lie it is and always was.


So where does this leave us? Modern Technology has helped us to kick away the “props”, dispel the lies, and if we care to look we are left with the truth. And the truth is that How ever we look

there is usually a lifestyle that supports that appearance. Hide it though we may.


That said,we are left with the reality that as a human race we have not mastered appetite, we have not mastered discipline, and we have not mastered our own flesh which houses the soul. Rather it has mastered us and the evidence is so visible it has reached epidemic proportions.


I believe this is the truth that we have hidden from ourselves. Hidden because it would be painful to

face this truth rather than continue to look elsewhere to determine what or whom is responsible.

The answer is not “out there” it never was.


It is painful to finally realize that I, as an obese person have made large contributions to my own dilemma. No one else. But the good news is that if I can get myself into this, I can get myself out of

this situation as well.


Oprah says money, fame and success don’t mean anything if you can’t control your own being. “It doesn’t mean anything if you can’t fit into your clothes,” she says. “It means the fat won. It means you didn’t win. … I am mad at myself. I am embarrassed.”

The truth is fat is not a foe, fat is the end result of a lifestyle. While it is true that Oprah does have a thyroid problem, her thinking that fat won is giving fat an identity. Fat does not win or lose, it shows up when we eat more calories than we burn.

Once we accept the responsibility of our actions, we can take the appropriate action to correct what has been set in motion.

21 Responses

  1. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
    oops, did I say that? But, not a bad place to start.

  2. It is probably a good thing to do but if we are over weight, a good place to start is with the person who looks back at us in the mirror!

  3. “Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants”? Jaye, I can understand your feelings, but name a successful bodybuilder who does not eat animal protein. The fact is that those of us who want to gain muscle and fast do it through the intake of animal protein.

  4. To Jaye:If foods grow on plants, can they also be manufactured “in” plants? This is an interesting oxymoron. (I’m just having fun……you are definitely correct.)
    To exercise therapy:: The eyes DON’T lie, do they?
    To Michael: Bill Pearl was a vegetarian from about 1968 or so and he was a succesful bodybuilder and won 1971 Mr. U (NABBA) over Sergio Oliva.(hmmmmmmmmmmmmm….now I wonder what PLANT he partook of? Exercisetherapy, YOU stay out of this one! Ha!Ha!)

  5. You make a good point Carlos! It’s all about us. We can make all the excuses under the sun, but it is really up to us as individuals. Fast food chains will continue to pump out “bad” food. The thing is we don’t have to buy it, that’s our choice. It is very unfortunate that, in this instant gratification society we live in, we want things quickly. This is why fast food chains thrive. We will continue to make poor choices because it is easier than preparing good healthy meals.

  6. Yes, you are right, Mike. It’s all about choices. But the good news is we can make good choices even if we have already made poor choices.

  7. There’s always the opportunity to change. Every day. Every second. It’s up to the individual.

  8. Straight to the “heart” of the matter with no frills. Tell it like it is always my friend. All the best with your blog. Wonderful to see your experience and wisdom on the blogosphere.

  9. Great first post Carlos, the truth is always self-evident. How we look on any given day is an accurate representation of our current efforts on the physical realm. I look forward to reading more insights from you Carlos. You are truly a remarkable man and you overcame so much adversity to become champion in bodybuilding and life.

  10. Thank you, Jaye, Michael, Jesse, Mike, Lilla, Dougal,
    Adam, thank you for visiting and commenting. Yesterday, January 11th was launch day for the Herald- a new voice in the Fitness Community.

  11. Hi Carlos:
    Thanks for a very straight forward explanation on the fat crisis hitting North America. As individuals we have the power to make lifestyle changes that will improve our health. I look forward to plugging into your blog for inspiration, encourgagement and to be challenged.

  12. Hello Carlos,
    Best part of my day to find you have a blog! Your sage words always seem to talk to me directly. Tomorrow I will remind myself that I am the capitan of my ship, and will steer myself with more intensity.
    I will spread the word about your blog….

  13. Awesome first post! It all comes down to the decision of making the right choice. Talking about it means nothing until you take that first “step”. We all “know” what to do, we just need to make the decision to do it!!

  14. Hi Diane,
    Straight forward would be the method of choice. There are more installments to make on this topic. I hope to offer a totally different perspective on this controversial subject because it’s a lot more complicated than most of us think.

    Hello Lynda,
    Thanks for stopping by. It is true, you are the Captain. I hope these shared thoughts give you back your power to believe in yourself.

    Hi Suzette,
    Hey, I’ve been to your blog. You are a very positive lady. And yes, it really is about knowing that we can be in control of our own destiny concerning our fitness, and having a support group that can keep us on task like you Shredders are doing!

  15. Well, Michael, in regards to foods from plants or plants that are manufactured– my intention is functional foods that we do not understand, that are so long and chemical in name and function we can only guess what they do to our bodies. By all means eat protein from animals. It is the manufactured food I have problems with. They may have hidden ingredients that make the food look better, taste better, weigh more, etc., but are not necessarily good for us to eat. My point is to be focused on what and how much we eat of wholesome foods good for our bodies. Hopefully, yours comes from your own kitchen so you know what you put in your mouth. A lttle more work in the kitchen can bring faster, healthier, cheaper food with out hidden agendas of manufacturers. Agree?

  16. @jesses james: Your information is inaccurate. Bill Pearl himself admits to eating meat during his training periods in 1971.

    “[ Q ] When you’re in training for a contest such as your last one in 1971, or, say, for an exhibition, what does your diet consist of?

    BP: My morning and afternoon meals will almost be all eggs and some fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Most of the fat that is found in an egg is in the yolk, so my wife will scramble 6 or 7 eggs in a Teflon pan and, while doing it, would take out 4 of the 7 yolks. So, to keep the fat content down, we will keep backing off the yolks.

    For my evening meal I will have some type of meat substitute and fresh vegetables and maybe some cooked vegetables and some type of fruit like cantaloupe, watermelon, or honeydew.”

    He was not eating RED meat during this time period, but he was not a vegetarian. In addition, Bill Pearl was using steroids, so he would have gained mass regardless. I am not interested in juicing to gain mass, I’d rather do it “all-natural” like Carlos.

  17. Thanks, Carlos for sending the mail. You have impacted my life in various ways. Keep sending the mail. Common sense is not too common these days. Truth without frills…..thanks.

  18. Carlos, just loved this statement from your post:

    That said,we are left with the reality that as a human race we have not mastered appetite, we have not mastered discipline, and we have not mastered our own flesh which houses the soul. Rather it has mastered us and the evidence is so visible it has reached epidemic proportions.


    Great blog name, btw.

  19. @Debbie Carlos’ statement is so true. Remember, however we look, there is a lifestyle that is supporting that.

  20. Hi Debbie,
    The Herald was birthed out of the need to say things that need to be said.
    Maybe it’s about time.

  21. To Michael:
    Yes, technically, Pearl, at that time, went “ovo-vegetarian”, if there is such a thing. You hit the nail right on the head, with or without prompting from my sarcasm (i.e. my “wondering”). Steroids brought Pearl to that ultimate level, as we all know….not eggs or meat “substitutes” (whatever they are!), nor doing curls while standing on his head, or whatever else.
    Most importantly, I am completely opposed to steroid use as you are.

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